Book Review: Not for Writers Only

It is not Christmas unless there are books under the tree. The first book I began reading was, Writers on Writing“Writers on Writing – 4 Questions, 55 Writers, Hundreds of Insights & 111 Journal Writing Prompts” written by Chip Scanlan, published by Euclid Grove Publishing, St. Petersburg, FL. The author asks 55 writers and editors 4 questions in a simple question and answer format. The first two lines of the Introduction set the premise of the book: 

“What are the secrets of successful writers?

“How do you become one?


Over a third of the way through reading this book, I imagined myself at a cocktail party hosted by Chip Scanlan with his 55 invited guests. I was intrigued by the conversations when I sat on a comfortable sofa opposite of a writer with another impressive resume. Even though they may have an impressive writing resume does not mean they like the table turned with answering questions. Politely excusing myself in need of using the lady’s room, I moved on to finding more interesting conversation.

Mingling among a small group of writers and editors who nodded in agreement with the fourth question posed by Chip, I too found myself nodding in agreement. As I made my way around visiting with the other guests, I ran into a select few that rambled in their answers. It was the guests, however, who were complete in their answers to the questions that I found the most fascinating. They were confident in their writing ‘voice,’ and I would have offered to freshen their drink to continue the conversation further if I knew where to find bar.

At the end of the evening, I thanked my wonderful host, Chip Scanlan with the hope he will invite me again. I will be writing in my journal for weeks to come reflecting on all these insightful conversations.

Not for Writers Only

The book, “Writers on Writing – 4 Questions, 55 Writers, Hundreds of Insights & 111 Journal Writing Prompts” is a marvelous book for writers, people who have a passion for writing, or simply, who want to become writers. Yet what strikes me about this book is that it is not just for writers only. Here are my four reasons I recommend this book and not just for those who are interested in the lives of distinguished writers and editors along with 4 questions of my own.


Even if you are not a prolific writer or find the subject of writing dull, someone wrote the content of the news program, article, or the podcast you listen to. With the current assault on the media and journalism, this book provides a glimpse into how writers write their content. Let me be clear, the writers and editors Chip Scanlan interviews have impressive resumes. They are not the opinionated bobble-heads on cable news. Why do you believe the readers or listeners connect with these writers and editors?


Writers and editors are human too. The four questions the author, Chip Scanlan poses to these 55 people in his words are deceptively simple. Notice that I have never disclosed the four questions because it is impossible to fully appreciate the concept of this book without reading the answers and insights given by the writers and editors.

After reading the book, replace the word writer in each of the four questions with another profession, title, including homemaker or parent. You will find that the answers provided by Chip’s 55 guests are a worthwhile study on how people respond to these questions. Writers on Writing has set me on a course to have more interesting conversations with people I do not know including my next-door neighbor. If you were a writer or editor, what subjects or people interest you?


Writers on Writing, the book itself is insightful into the craft of writing. Use the book to better enhance your own writing and interviewing skills. The four questions Chip Scanlan poses and the 55 answers can help even the person conducting a job interview to the candidate who is applying for the job. Students will find Writers on Writing a helpful resource for school essays and group projects. I found the book to be a must-have resource book for my own writing and blogging. Professionally or personally, what is your opinion on writing?


The author, Chip Scanlan is an author after my own heart – journaling! As described on the back of the book’s cover, Chip does indeed make this book an interactive writing workshop. These journal prompts really go after the heart of writing. I love it!! As I mentioned earlier, even if you are not a writer insert your own profession to these the journal writing prompts. You will be considering the world around you in a whole new light. In fact, you may realize you just may be a writer after all. You journal, don’t you?

Hoot Rating

On a 1 to 5 Hoot Rating Scale, The Blogging Owl gives 5-Hoots to “Writers on Writing – 4 Questions, 55 Writers, Hundreds of Insights & 111 Journal Writing Prompts” written by Chip Scanlan.

5 Hoot Rating

This book is available on Amazon and other national booksellers, however also consider supporting your local independent bookseller.

Happy Reading (and writing) in the New Year!


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